People Against Produce Prejudice
Massive amounts of produce are discarded simply because they don’t meet the superficial standards of traditional grocery stores, despite cosmetic appearance having no impact on flavor or nutrition.
But, people don’t have empathy for inanimate objects.
So, we framed each piece of produce as a life in need of saving.

Copy-driven ads state true facts about ugly produce without immediately making clear what the statistics refer to - leaving it up to the viewer to piece it together.
The 30-second spot garners sympathy for perishing produce by mirroring common tropes of an ASPCA-esque PSA.

We fully revamped the Misfits Market shopping experience, transforming it from a shopping page into an adoption page.

We humanized each piece of produce by giving them names and backstories.

We placed OOH ads directly outside of grocery stores that regularly reject ugly produce in an attempt to draw shoppers to Misfits Market instead.

We even staged fake protests outside of these grocery stores, raising attention to the issue and our brand.
Created by Emma Michelson and Mina Gurkan